2022 ZEISS Surgical Video Symposium

Fast & Fabulous – The VISUMAX 800 & the QUATERA 700 experience


Hungwon TCHAH, South Korea

Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology
Director, Anterior Segment & Cataract Surgery, University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center

Graham BARRETT, Australia

Professor & Senior Consultant,
Lions Eye Institute, Perth

Ronald YEOH, Singapore

Medical Director & Founder
Eye & Retina Surgeons
Cl. Associate Professor
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School,
Singapore National Eye Centre

Program Details

Why does speed matter?

John CHANG, Hong Kong SAR, China

Director of Guy Hugh Chan Refractive Surgery,
Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital
Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary), Dept of Ophthalmology,
Hong Kong University,
Clinical Associate Professor (Honorary), Dept of Ophthalmology,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

A New Experience in Phaco Surgery: Maximum Efficiency and Safety

Sri GANESH, India

Chairman & Managing Director,
Nethradhama Hospital, Bangalore

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