APACRS Webinars

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What’s New in Cataract & Refractive Surgery
The next generation of Asia-Pacific leaders in cataract and refractive surgery present an engaging range of topics of great clinical relevance.

This webinar is accredited by the Singapore Medical Council for 1 CME point (Category 1B).


Abhay VASAVADA, India

Research Director, IIadevi Cataract & IOL Research Centre
Clinical Director,
Raghudeep Eye Clinic, Ahmedabad

Graham BARRETT, Australia

Professor & Senior Consultant,
Lions Eye Institute, Perth

M. Nazrul ISLAM, Bangladesh

Professor of Ophthalmology, Bangladesh Eye Hospital
President, Bangladesh Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons

Mahbubur CHOWDHURY, Bangladesh

Bangladesh Eye Hospital & Institute

Ronald YEOH, Singapore

Medical Director & Founder
Eye & Retina Surgeons
Cl. Associate Professor
Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School,
Singapore National Eye Centre

Program Details

Airflow and aerosol management in the new COVID era practice for every cataract & refractive surgeon

Vaishali VASAVADA, India

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Raghudeep Eye Hospital, Jaipur & Ahmedabad

Total keratometry in IOL power calculations

YEO Tun Kuan, Singapore

Consultant, Dept of Ophthalmology
Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Comparison of new different options for presbyopia

Chul Young CHOI, South Korea

Professor of Ophthalmology
Sung Kyun Kwan University
Director, Cataract & Refractive Service,
Kangbuk Samsung Medical Center, Seoul

Combining the best of both worlds. My initial experience with an EDOF trifocal intraocular lens

Mohamad ROSMAN, Singapore

Senior Consultant & Head, Refractive Surgery
Singapore National Eye Centre

Digital reading performance with multifocal intraocular lenses: Hit the right target

Thanapong SOMKIJRUNGROJ, Thailand

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Bumrungrad International Hospital, Bangkok

6-0 polypropylene flanged fixation of IOLs

John WONG, Singapore

Consultant, Dept of Ophthalmology
Tan Tock Seng Hospital

Femto in cataract surgery: Future or frustration

Ishtiaque ANWAR, Bangladesh

Consultant Ophthalmologist
Bangladesh Eye Hospital, Dhaka