34th APACRS-2022 KSCRS Joint Meeting Final Program

www.apacrs2022.org Final Program

Over 15 years of Ophthalmic Education A News Magazine of the APACRS Keeping readers at the forefront of international trends in Cataract and Refractive Surgery Digital editions are now available! Asia-Pacific • China • India • Korea ASIA-PACIFIC eyeworldap.apacrs.org APACRS Secretariat Singapore c/o Singapore National Eye Centre, 11 Third Hospital Avenue, #06-20, Singapore 168751 Email: [email protected] Tel: (65) 6322 7468 Fax: (65)6327 8630

05 Welcome Messages 09 Organizing Committee 11 Affiliated Regional & International Societies 12 Milestones 14 About APACRS 18 About KSCRS 20 Awards 25 Congress Information 28 Venue Map 31 Information for Speakers 32 Faculty of Speakers 37 Official and Social Programs 38 Program Overview 40 MasterClasses 46 Symposia 52 Surgical Video Symposia 55 Instruction Course 56 Opening Ceremony & APACRS Lim Lecture 64 Industry Lunch Symposia 67 Reviewers and Judges 68 Free Papers 75 Film Festival 85 ePosters 92 Exhibitor Directory 110 Acknowledgements Information contained in this program book is correct at time of publication. APACRS reserves the right to make necessary changes as and when required. Digital copy of the program book is available at www.apacrs.org. APACRS COPYRIGHT STATEMENT All materials and information in this program book are subject to copyrights owned by the Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (APACRS) unless indicated otherwise. All reproduction, retransmission, or reprinting of all or part of any materials or information found in this program book is expressly prohibited, unless APACRS has expressly granted its prior consent to so reproduce, retransmit, or reprint the materials and information. All other rights are reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS

5 President, APACRS Abhay VASAVADA A very warm welcome and thank you for participating in the 34th annual meeting of the Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (APACRS) in association with the Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (KSCRS). This year’s theme, A New Dawn, is indeed apt as it is the first in-person meeting of the APACRS after the pandemic hit us in 2019. The meeting promises to showcase new, innovative, highimpact, and cutting-edge topics that will help us usher in a new era in ophthalmology and vision correction. Together with the Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, we have put together a scientific and academic extravaganza that will really help us in our day to day practice. What’s more, we have the best ophthalmic surgeons and academicians from this part of the world and across continents who will enlighten us with their experience and innovations. I would like to express my gratitude to all attendees who are traveling to Seoul, some of you navigating several challenges with travel restrictions in these times. I also thank all our esteemed speakers for sharing their time and expertise on the latest insights into the field. We also must not forget our sponsors and trade exhibitors who have so generously supported this meeting. Once again, a heartfelt welcome to the APACRS meeting and to this New Dawn, where we hopefully do not see a resurgence of the pandemic. I sincerely hope you will all enjoy the learning and camaraderie in this first post pandemic in-person meeting of the APACRS. WELCOME MESSAGE

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WELCOME MESSAGE 7 현준영 Joon Young HYON 한국백내장굴절수술학회 회장 President, KSCRS Dear Colleagues and Friends, On behalf of the Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (KSCRS), it is my great honor and privilege to invite you to Seoul for the 34th APACRS Annual Meeting and 2022 KSCRS Annual Meeting. I’m very delighted that APACRS and KSCRS are co-hosting this in-person meeting after over 2 years of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic. APACRS and KSCRS have been steadily building an alliance for several decades, as this is the third time we are hosting the APACRS meeting in Seoul, since the 4th (1991) and 24th (2011). APACRS and KSCRS share mutual interests and a passion for promoting education in cataract and refractive surgery. Key members of KSCRS such as Sang-Wook Rhee, Jae-Ho Kim, Kyung Hwan Shin, Hungwon Tchah, Choun-Ki Joo, and Chul Young Choi have been instrumental in implementing various educational activities for APACRS. Truth be told, preparing an international conference amid COVID-19 has been quite challenging. I deeply appreciate the leadership of APACRS and their determination and enthusiasm that made it possible for our two organizations to work together and co-host a successful meeting. As much as our theme for this conference is “a New Dawn”, it is our greatest hope that the curating efforts of APACRS and KSCRS will offer clinicians and researchers with up-to-date knowledge in cataract and refractive surgery in a scientifically and socially stimulating atmosphere. I am looking forward to meeting our many friends and colleagues from the Asia-Pacific. May this be the inception of the post COVID-19 era for KSCRS. We warmly thank all of our speakers and delegates who have supported this meeting and also our heartfelt appreciation for all of our members who will be participating in KSCRS. Lastly, I would like to express my unending gratitude and thanks to the President of the Korean Ophthalmology Society, Prof. Jong-Soo Lee, for his masterly aid and efforts in bringing this conference to fruition.

WELCOME MESSAGE 8 한국백내장굴절수술학회 회원 여러분 2년 넘게 계속되어온 COVID-19의 대유행도 이제 막바지에 다다르고 있는 것 같습니다. 아무쪼록 회원 여러분들의 건강과 안녕을 기원합니다. 한국백내장굴절수술학회(KSCRS)가 올해 아시아태평양백내장굴절수술학회(Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons; APACRS)와 함께 2022년 한국백내장굴절수술학회 정기학술대회 및 제 34회 APACRS Annual Congress를 공동개최하게 된 것을 진심으로 기쁘게 생각합니다. 특별히 이번 학술대회는 COVID-19 감염병으로 인해 2년간 온라인으로 진행되었던 제약을 벗어나 현장에서 회원분들과 대면하여 만날 수 있게되어 더욱 기대가 큽니다. KSCRS와 APACRS가 공동개최하는 이번 학술대회에는 그동안 매년 정기학술대회를 통해 회원들께 좋은 강의를 해주셨던 국내연자분들 뿐만 아니라 미국, 호주, 싱가포르를 비롯한 아시아태평양지역의 저명한 연자들이 참여하여 백내장굴절수술분야의 최신지견과 임상에 유익한 다양한 강의들이 제공됩니다. 또한 강의의 동시통역을 준비하여 보다 원활하고 심도있는 교육과 토론의 기회를 마련하고자 하였습니다. KSCRS 주관으로 한국어로 진행되는 백내장수술의 기본술기를 위한 Instruction Course가 준비되며, Toric IOL, IOL fixation, Biometry 및 굴절수술 합병증의 처치 등의 주제에 대한 MasterClasses와 새로운 인공수정체, 백내장수술 및 굴절수술의 challenging cases 등 다양한 주제를 다루는 심포지움과 비디오 세션, 그리고 태권도마스터(Taekwondo Masters)라는 타이틀로 저명한 술자들이 자신만이 가지고 있는 백내장수술의 팁을 소개하는 시간도 마련되어있습니다. ‘A New Dawn”이라는 슬로건 아래 진행되는 양일간의 KSCRS 정기학술대회 및 34회 APACRS Annual Congress가 코로나 시대를 걷어내고 새롭게 현장에서 회원 여러분들을 만나게 되는 기회가 되기를 소망하며 회원분들의 많은 관심과 성원을 부탁드립니다. 아울러 학회 개최에 많은 도움과 성원을 해 주신 대한안과학회 이종수 이사장님에게도 감사말씀 올립니다. 감사합니다.

9 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ASIA-PACIFIC ASSOCIATION OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGEONS (APACRS) PRESIDENT & ORGANIZING CHAIRMAN Prof. Joon Young HYON SECRETARY-GENERAL PROGRAM DIRECTOR SCIENTIFIC CHAIRMAN Prof. So-Hyang CHUNG Prof. Hungwon TCHAH Prof. Chul Young CHOI MEMBERS Prof. Hyo Myung KIM Prof. Jong Soo LEE Prof. Hyun Seung KIM Prof. Do Hyung LEE Prof. Kyoung Yul SEO Prof. Mee Kum KIM Prof. Hyung Keun LEE Prof. Jong Suk SONG Prof. Kyung Chul YOON Dr. Myoung Joon KIM Prof. Hong Kyun KIM Prof. Jae Yong KIM Prof. Tae-Im KIM Prof. Tae-Young CHUNG Prof. Eun Chul KIM Dr. Seong Bae PARK Assoc. Prof. Hun LEE Assoc. Prof. Youngsub EOM PRESIDENT PRESIDENT-ELECT Dr. Abhay VASAVADA India Prof. YAO Ke China SECRETARY PROGRAM DIRECTOR SCIENTIFIC CHAIRMAN Dr. CHANWing Kwong Singapore Prof. GrahamBARRETT Australia Assoc. Prof. Ronald YEOH Singapore MEMBERS Prof. Chul Young CHOI South Korea Prof. Hiroko BISSEN-MIYAJIMA Japan Prof. Hungwon TCHAH South Korea Dr. Johan HUTAURUK Indonesia Dr. John CHANG Hong Kong SAR, China Dr. Kimiya SHIMIZU Japan Dr. Pannet PANGPUTHIPONG Thailand Prof. S. NATARAJAN India Dr. Sri GANESH India KOREAN SOCIETY OF CATARACT & REFRACTIVE SURGERY (KSCRS) ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT Kathy CHEN HUANGWeitian Gretel TAN Cello CHU Sunshine NG Chiles SAMANIEGO

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AFFILIATED REGIONAL & INTERNATIONAL SOCIETIES Bangladesh Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (BSCRS) Chinese Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (CSCRS) Indonesian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (INASCRS) Intraocular Implant & Refractive Society of India (IIRSI) Japanese Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JSCRS) Korean Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (KSCRS) Malaysian Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (MSCRS) Philippine Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (PSCRS) Thai Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (THSCRS) Vietnam Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (VSCRS) American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS)

12 1987 1st ICIMRK Annual Meeting Singapore Arthur S.M. LIM 2005 18th APACRS Annual Meeting Beijing, China ZHAO Jialiang HE Shouzhi 1988 2nd ICIMRK Annual Meeting Nagoya, Japan Saburo HAYANO 2006 19th APACRS Annual Meeting Singapore Ronald YEOH 1989 3rd ICIMRK Annual Meeting Fukuoka, Japan Fumihiko HAYASHI 2007 20th APACRS Annual Meeting Hanoi, Vietnam Do Nhu HON Ronald YEOH 1991 4th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Seoul, South Korea Jae-Ho KIM 2008 21st APACRS Annual Meeting Bangkok, Thailand Prin ROJANAPONGPUN 1992 5th ICIMRK Annual Meeting New Delhi, India S.R.K. MALIK 2009 22nd APACRS Annual Meeting Tokyo, Japan Tetsuro OSHIKA 1993 6th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Tianjin, China Jia-Qin YUAN 2010 23rd APACRS Annual Meeting Cairns, Australia GrahamBARRETT 1994 7th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Pall SINGH 2011 24th APACRS Annual Meeting Seoul, South Korea Hungwon TCHAH 1995 8th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Bali, Indonesia Sidarta ILYAS 2012 25th APACRS Annual Meeting Shanghai, China YAO Ke 1996 9th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Perth, Australia GrahamBARRETT 2013 26th APACRS Annual Meeting Singapore Ronald YEOH 1997 10th ICIMRK Annual Meeting New Delhi, India Keiki R. MEHTA 2014 27th APACRS Annual Meeting Jaipur, India Abhay VASAVADA 1998 11th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Singapore Ronald YEOH 2015 28th APACRS Annual Meeting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Y.C. LEE 1999 12th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Tianjin, China Jia-Qin YUAN 2016 29th APACRS Annual Meeting Bali, Indonesia Johan HUTAURUK 2000 13th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Hon-Bing HOH 2017 30th APACRS Annual Meeting Hangzhou, China YAO Ke 2001 14th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Barcelona, Spain Joaquin BARRAQUER 2018 31st APACRS Annual Meeting Chiang Mai, Thailand Pannet PANGPUTHIPONG 2002 15th ICIMRK Annual Meeting Xiamen, China HONG Rongzhao 2019 32nd APACRS Annual Meeting Kyoto, Japan Ronald YEOH Kimiya SHIMIZU 2003 16th APACRS Annual Meeting Port Douglas, Australia GrahamBARRETT Ronald YEOH 2021 33rd APACRS Annual Meeting (virtual) Singapore CHANWing Kwong 2004 17th APACRS Annual Meeting Bali, Indonesia Tjahjono D. GONDHOWIARDJO 2022 34th APACRS-2022 KSCRS Joint Meeting Seoul, South Korea Joon Young HYON CHANWing Kwong MILESTONES APACRS ANNUAL MEETINGS

13 MILESTONES 2002 CHANWing Kwong Abhay VASAVADA Ronald L.S. YEOH 2009 YAO Ke 2017 Jingsong ZHANG Suhas HALDIPURKAR 2003 Takayuki AKAHOSHI Peter STEWART 2010 Peter HEINER Donald TAN 2018 Gerd AUFFARTH Khairdzan Mohd KAMAL Rohit SHETTY Tetsuro OSHIKA 2004 HENGWee Jin LEE Hung Ming Pannet PANGPUTHIPONG 2011 Choun-Ki JOO 2019 Chul Young CHOI Mohan RAJAN Sheetal BRAR Michael Lawless 2005 CHEE Soon Phaik Dennis LAM WEE Tze Lin 2012 TANG Xin 2021 CHENWeirong Timothy ROBERTS Xingtao ZHOU 2006 John CHANG Prin ROJANAPONGPUN 2013 Robert ANG 2022 Con MOSHEGOV (Posthumous) Tae-Young CHUNG YEO Tun Kuan 2007 Hungwon TCHAH Cesar ESPIRITU FAM Han Bor 2015 Jeewan Singh TITIYAL Sri GANESH 2008 Charith FONSEKA Anthony SAY 2016 D. RAMAMURTHY Dennis LEE APACRS LIM LECTURERS 1991 Saburo HAYANO 2002 Robert H. OSHER 2013 Hungwon TCHAH 1992 Robert M. SINKEY 2003 Philippe SOURDILLE 2014 Warren E. HILL 1993 Kensaku MIYAKE 2004 Douglas KOCH 2015 Pannet PANGPUTHIPONG 1994 Stephen L. TROKEL 2005 Ronald YEOH 2016 Oliver FINDL 1995 GrahamBARRETT 2006 Samuel MASKET 2017 CHEE Soon Phaik 1996 Howard GIMBEL 2007 Kimiya SHIMIZU 2018 Eric D. DONNENFELD 1997 Keiki R. MEHTA 2008 Michael KNORZ 2019 Tetsuro OSHIKA 1998 Joaquin BARRAQUER 2009 David F. CHANG 2021 Ike K. AHMED 1999 YUAN Jia-Qin 2010 Abhay VASAVADA 2022 YAO Ke 2000 Stephen A. OBSTBAUM 2011 Hiroko BISSEN-MIYAJIMA 2001 A. F. DEUTMAN 2012 Ehud I. ASSIA APACRS GOLD MEDAL RECIPIENTS 1991 Saburo HAYANO 2001 Juan MURUBE 2011 KYUNG Hwan-Shin 1992 S.R.K. MALIK 2002 HONG Rongzhao ZHAO Jialiang 2012 YAO Ke 1993 Jia-Qin YUAN 2013 Ronald YEOH 1994 ANG Beng Chong 2003 ANG Chong Lye 2014 Abhay VASAVADA 1995 Akira MOMOSE 2004 Soekardi ISTIANTORO 2015 Mariam ISMAIL 1996 Wook Rhee SANG 2005 HE Shouzhi 2016 Nila F. MOELOEK 1997 Madan MOHAN 2006 Donald TAN 2017 LIU Yi-zhi 1998 Y.C. LEE 2007 Ton Thi Kim THANH 2018 Pannet PANGPUTHIPONG 1999 Dorothy Feng Ming LI Shi-Yuan ZHANG 2008 Prin ROJANAPONGPUN 2019 Kimiya SHIMIZU 2009 Yoshinao MAJIMA 2021 CHANWing Kwong 2000 Jae-Ho KIM 2010 GrahamBARRETT 2022 Hungwon TCHAH APACRS CERTIFIED EDUCATORS (A.C.E.)

ABOUT APACRS The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons 中文版 eyeworldap.apacrs.org 第十六卷 第4期 2020 年 1 2 月 亚太白内障及屈光手术医师学会杂志 Licensed Publication 专家观点: 基本要素 副刊: 最糟糕的并发症’ ‘ 家观 基本 Reports from the 33rd APACRS - SNEC 창립 30주년 기념 온라인 가상회의 2020년 이후: 완벽을 향하여 eyeworldap.apacrs.org 한국어판 The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Vol. 17 No. 3 September 2021 Licensed Publication eyeworldap.apacrs.org The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons ASIA-PACIFIC Vol. 17 No. 1 March 2021 IOLs – What, When, How? IO s a Plus: What’s new in cataract surgery? ac ery Licensed Publication Management strategies for complicated cases eyeworldap.apacrs.org The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and R efractive Surgeons ASIA-PACIFIC Vol. 18 No. 1 March 2022 Licensed Publication Annual Meetings 1987 – 2022 14 Throughout the now over 2 years of the COVID-19 pandemic, the APACRS and its members have managed to maintain vital connections through the internet and modern telecommunications technology. In the second year of the pandemic, this technology allowed the society to resume its annual meeting, successfully holding a fully virtual meeting in 2021. However, nothing can replace physical, faceto-face interactions; it is therefore with great enthusiasm that the society welcomes its delegate back for an in-person meeting this year in South Korea. The society evolved from the Asia-Pacific Intraocular Implant Association (APIIA) founded by Prof. Arthur Lim to reflect the dynamic developments in cataract and refractive surgery at the turn of the millennium. In 1987, Prof. Lim foresaw the importance of these developments in Asia, and the society has since witnessed rapid growth under the leadership of Past Presidents Professor Graham Barrett, Clinical Associate Professor Ronald Yeoh, Professor Hiroko Bissen-Miyajima and current leadership under Abhay Vasavada. While the Asia-Pacific geographically represents about a quarter of the world, Asia is home to over half the world’s population. The society aims to address the continent’s cataract and refractive surgery needs, accepting the further challenge of the region’s social, economic, and cultural diversity. Meeting this challenge head on, the APACRS has developed various means to fulfill its function and guide its members along the path to enlightenment. Print Publications Among the tools the society has developed to achieve its goals is EyeWorld AsiaPacific, an international anterior segment ophthalmology news magazine. The magazine keeps readers abreast of the latest developments in ophthalmology while hewing to a perspective that is always relevant to the particular needs, cognizant to the nuances of the Asia-Pacific region. Now in its 16th year, the magazine is read by over 50,000 ophthalmologists in 22 countries in the region, over 60 around the world. Published quarterly, the EyeWorld Asia-Pacific comes in 4 editions - Asia-Pacific, China,

15 India and Korea and each issue is also freely accessible online at eyeworldap.apacrs.org and via the APACRS website. In 2017, celebrating its 30th anniversary, the society also produced the APACRS Principles of Preferred Practice for Cataract Surgery and the APACRS Principles of Preferred Practice for Management of the Ocular Surface in Cataract & Refractive Surgery. The two publications were developed by distinguished anterior segment ophthalmic surgeons from the Asia-Pacific to provide guidelines based on the latest medical evidence and expert opinion geared specifically toward ophthalmologists and ophthalmic surgeons practicing in the region. Digital Presence APACRS maintains its website at www. apacrs.org. This resource is accessible online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition to linking to the digital version of EyeWorld Asia-Pacific, the website offers news, important announcements, and a convenient biometry calculator utilizing various IOL formulae developed by Prof. Barrett: the Barrett Universal II formula, the Barrett Toric Calculator, the Barrett True-K Formula, the Barrett True-K Toric Calculator, and the Barrett Rx Formula. Prof. Barrett recently introduced a new feature to the online calculator: the Barrett K Calculator allows surgeons to input information from up to three different devices and automatically provides the mathematically correct combination of the data. The website also features information on various APACRS awards, with listings of the APACRS LIM Lecturers and the APACRS Gold Medal and A.C.E. awardees, as well as programs such as the APACRS Young Physician Exchange Program and links to the Video Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery & Glaucoma Surgery, which provides additional learning opportunities via the best ophthalmic surgical videos, available in high definition for the highest level of detail. As part of our mission to provide a forum for continuing professional education and skills transfer especially during especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, all the winning films from the last 13 years of the APACRS Film Festival were made available on the APACRS website at www.apacrs.org without LEE MunWai, Malaysia Michael LAWLESS, Australia GrahamBARRETT, Australia Tae-ImKIM, South Korea Abhay VASAVADA, India Ronald YEOH , Singapore LEE MunWai, Malaysia Michael LAWLESS, Australia GrahamBARRETT, Australia Tae-ImKIM, South Korea Abhay VASAVADA, India Ronald YEOH , Singapore LEE MunWai, Malaysia Michael LAWLESS, Australia GrahamBARRETT, Australia Tae-ImKIM, South Korea Abhay VASAVADA, India Ronald YEOH , Singapore

ABOUT APACRS 16 access restriction. This treasure trove of films provided an educational and entertaining resources to viewers. APACRS also hosted a series of webinars in 2020 – 2022 covering cataract surgery, refractive surgery and corneal surgery and videos also available on the APACRS website at www.apacrs.org. Annual Meetings All the society’s activities culminate in its annual meeting. The society’s annual meeting features a carefully curated scientific program, tailored and relevant to doctors in the Asia-Pacific. The program includes important practice information provided by a top-rate faculty from around the world. Highlights of the scientific program include a small number of high quality MasterClasses covering the hottest topics in ophthalmic surgery today, Film Festival, Top Gun and features the Combined Symposium of Cataract and Refractive Societies (CSCRS). First held in 2005 at the 18th APACRS annual meeting in Beijing, this joint symposium has become the most prominent session at the APACRS annual meetings. CSCRS represents an important collaboration and alliance of ASCRS and ESCRS, major cataract and refractive societies in presenting perspectives from the four corners of the globe. Held in different countries in the Asia-Pacific region and welcoming delegates and guests from all over the world, the APACRS annual meeting has become the most important regional meeting for cataract and refractive surgery and one of the most important educational events in the global ophthalmological calendar. In addition to giving attendees the opportunity to network, a venue to meet new colleagues and renew friendships, the society at its annual meetings cultivates excellence by recognizing the outstanding work of ophthalmologists in the Asia-Pacific: The APACRS Gold Medal honors ophthalmologists in the region for outstanding contributions to the practice in terms of service, teaching, or research. The prestigious APACRS LIM Lecture, named for the society’s founding president, is delivered by one ophthalmologist chosen each year to share their discoveries and innovations with their colleagues. The APACRS Certified Educator (A.C.E.) award recognizes ophthalmologists who have made significant contributions to the training of surgeons in the Asia-Pacific. Through these and other activities, the APACRS continues to work in close collaboration with the region’s most prominent local organizations, bringing them closer together with international partners from elsewhere in the world to serve the cataract and refractive surgery needs of over half the world’s population. Membership Join the APACRS to enjoy membership benefits such as reduced registration fees at APACRS congresses, free subscription to EyeWorld Asia-Pacific News Magazine and more. Log on to www.apacrs.org for more information. Celebrating over 30 years of leadership in cataract & Refractive Surgery in the Asia-Pacific

18 ABOUT KSCRS The Korean Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgery (KSCRS) is the largest association for eye physicians and surgeons in Korea after the Korean Ophthalmological Society. The Korean Intraocular Implant Club (KIOIC) was established in 1984, and later evolved into the KSCRS. KIOIC was founded on 31 August 1984 with the purpose of researching and developing techniques for cataract surgery and intraocular lens implantation in Korea. KIOIC held its inaugural general meeting on 27 November 1984, consisting of 45 invited members. Since then, it has grown to hold lectures once or twice every year with an invited faculty of domestic and international scholars. During the 24th KIOIC meeting held on 8 October 1993, the Society evolved into KSCRS in order to represent cataract surgery while also more inclusively branching into refractive surgery and corneal transplantation. Every year since 1998, the KSCRS has held an annual academic symposium and cataract surgery training program, which heralded the development and dissemination of cataract surgery and academic research. Of note, the KSCRS hosted the 5th International Meeting on Advanced Cataract and Refractive Surgery (IMARCS) 2009 in collaboration with APACRS, and the 4th and 24th APACRS annual meetings in Seoul, Korea. Additionally, phacoemulsification workshops were held once or twice a year for junior surgeons to learn techniques involved in surgeries. Currently, Cataract Simulation Center Instruction Courses are offered for ophthalmologists who are new to the field. In 2001, KSCRS compiled the textbook Refractive Surgery to include the latest knowledge in this field. Updated in 2005, it has greatly contributed to the academia of refractive surgery. The mission of KSCRS is to advance the development of ophthalmology through research and education on cataract and refractive surgery, as well as to foster scientifically and socially stimulating environments where knowledge can be exchanged among colleagues.

19 한국백내장굴절수술학회는 1984년 설립된 한국인공수정체연구회(Korean Intraocular Implant Club, KIOIC)에서 발전된 학회입니다. KIOIC는 1984년 8월 31일 국내 백내장수술 및 인공수정체 삽입에 대한 술기 발전 및 연구 등을 목적으로 발기되었으며 1984년 11월 27일 창립총회를 개최했습니다. 초대 회원은 45명이었으며 그 후 매년 1,2회씩 강연회를 실시 했으며 국내외 석학들의 강연이 있었습니다. 한국백내장굴절수술학회(Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, KSCRS)는 1993년 10월 8일 열린 제24차 한국인공수정체연구회 (KIOIC) 강연회에서 한국인공수정체연구회의 창립정신을 이어받고 백내장 수술의 발전으로 인해 백내장수술이 단순히 혼탁된 수정체를 제거하는 것만이 아니라 동시에 굴절교정수수을 시행하게 되는 경향과 각막에 대한 굴절수술 및 각막이식술의 개념에 부합하여 더 많은 연구활동을 이룩하기 위해 명칭을 한국백내장굴절수술학회로 변경하였습니다. 당시 초대 회원은 176명이었으며 1998년 이후 매년 1회의 학술심포지움을 개최하여 백내장수술 및 굴절수술의 보급 및 학문적 연구에 기여하였으며 특히 2004년에는 6월12일, 13일 양일간 서울에서 국제학술대회 (5th International Meeting on Advanced Cataract and Refractive Surgery)를 개최하여 백내장굴절수술분야에 서의 국제적 교류의 장을 마련하였고 11개국에서 모두 300여명이 참석하였습니다. 또한 연 1~2회의 수정체유화술워크샵을 개최하여 백내장수술을 처음 시작하는 전공의들에게 수술 술기를 전했습니다. 현재는 백내장 시뮬레이션센터 Instruction Course 진행을 통해 수술을 처음 시작하고자 하는 안과의사들에게 지식을 전수해 주고 있습니다. 2001년에는 굴절수술분야의 최신 지견을 집대성하여 한글교과서 ‘ 굴절교정수술’을 편찬하였으며, 2005년에 개정판을 내어 굴절수술의 학문적보급에 크게 기여했습니다 KSCRS Annual Survey를 매년 진행하여, 우리나라 백내장굴절 교정 수술의 트렌드 분석에 앞장서며 앞으로 나아가야 할 길을 제시하고 있습니다. 학문적으로는 한국형 최적화 인공수정체 상수 개발을 위한 다기관 후향적 코호트 연구 및 백내장 술후 만족도 조사를 위한 한국형 Questionnaire 개발을 진행하고 있습니다. COVID-19로 인한 판데믹의 혼돈 중에도 해외 백내장굴절수술학회와의 긴밀한 협조를 통해 2022 년 판데믹 이후 안과 최초로 KSCRS 가 주체가 되어 아시아태평양 백내장 굴절수술학회(APACRS)를 2022 년 6월 11일(토), 12일(일) 양일간 서울(코엑스)에서 대면 방식으로 개최하게 되었습니다. 이러한 새로운 시도 및 학문적 발전에 열망을 토대로 더 발전해 가는 한국백내장굴절수술학회가 되도록 노력할 예정이니, 많은 안과의사 선생님들의 응원을 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

20 AWARDS Professor Arthur Lim Siew Ming (1934 – 2014) FOUNDING & HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENT Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (APACRS) FOUNDING MEDICAL DIRECTOR Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) FOUNDING CHAIRMAN Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI) “If you operate on one man, you restore vision to one man, but if you teach your colleagues how to perform quality cataract surgery, they will solve the problem of cataract blindness in the world.” – Professor Arthur S.M. LIM The Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (APACRS), formerly known as the Asia-Pacific Intraocular Implant Association (APIIA), was founded by Prof. Arthur S.M. Lim, a pioneer who recruited and worked with expert ophthalmic microsurgeons from around the world to introduce microsurgical techniques and intraocular lens implant technology to the region. Prof. Lim and these experts taught thousands of ophthalmologists, many of whom have returned to their homelands to become leaders in their profession. Prof. Lim’s name became synonymous with sterling eye developments, including the creation of the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC), the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI), and the Department of Ophthalmology, National University Hospital (NUH). He also helped establish the International Intraocular Implant Training Centre in Tianjin, now the Tianjin Medical University Eye Centre. All these institutions are now centers of excellence, continuing his life-long dedication and commitment to the promotion of quality eye care, education, and research. Having held numerous positions in international ophthalmology organizations and a recipient of numerous awards for his extraordinary contributions over the last five decades, Prof. Lim leaves an indelible mark in the history of ophthalmology not only in Singapore but also in the region and the world. He will always be fondly remembered as our Founding Father, Leader, Advocate, and Mentor. Prof. Arthur S.M. Lim, visionary leader and venerable father of ophthalmology in Singapore, the Asia-Pacific region, and the world, passed away peacefully in his home on 30 August 2014, with his loving family and close ones by his side.

21 AWARDS The APACRS LIM Lecture is the highest award of the society. Since 1991, outstanding ophthalmologists who have made extraordinary contributions to the development of cataract and refractive surgery have been invited to deliver this lecture at the Opening Ceremony of the APACRS annual meeting. Professor and Chief of Zhejiang University Eye Hospital, Eye Institute of Zhejiang University and Eye Center of Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, China President of Chinese Ophthalmological Society (COS) President of Chinese Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (CSCRS) President-Elect of Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS) Cataract in China: My Cataract Surgery Journey from Couching to FLACS Sunday, 12 June 2022 10:15 – 10:45hrs • Coex, Grand Ballroom 103 YAO Ke, China 2022 APACRS LIM LECTURE The lecture will begin with a review of the history of cataract surgery in China as well as the career experience of Prof. Yao Ke on improving the clinical outcomes of cataract patients from the ancient way of couching to the modern technique of FLACS. It will then move on to focus on discussing his clinical research and practical experience with FLACS in the last 8 years. Prof. Yao Ke is the professor and chief of Eye Institute of Zhejiang University, Eye Center of Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine and Zhejiang University Eye Hospital, President of the Chinese Ophthalmological Society and CSCRS, PresidentElect of APACRS, and a member of AOI. Prof. Yao was a pioneer and promoter of modern cataract surgeries on the Chinese mainland. He has trained thousands of cataract surgeons throughout the country. He has published 486 clinical and scientific papers with 267 published in peer-reviewed international journals. He has received numerous awards, including the National Award of Science (three times), the ICO Mark Tso Golden Apple Award, the AlfredVogt Prize of Switzerland, the APACRS Gold Award, and the APACRS ACE Award. Prof. Yao is committed and enthusiastic about public health, especially the prevention of blindness. In 1996, he founded the first Mobile Eye Hospital in China which reached out to rural regions including Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and more than 10 provinces, providing free cataract surgeries for 13,000 indigent patients. During his presidency of the COS and CSCRS, under his leadership and advocacy, Chinese ophthalmic medical teams performed nearly 315,000 welfare cataract surgeries in the Chinese mainland and in regions of Asia, Africa, and small island countries in Oceania.

22 Prof. Hungwon Tchah, Professor at the University of Ulsan Department of Ophthalmology, is a recognized leader in corneal, cataract, refractive, and laser surgery. He has been at the forefront of ophthalmology’s evolutionary changes throughout his career as a researcher, educator, lecturer, and acclaimed physician and surgeon. Prof. Tchah served as President (2016-2018) and Director of Academic Affairs of the Korean Ophthalmological Society and as President (2009-2011) of the Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. He also served on the Korean Corneal Disease Study Group (as Head), Korean External Eye Disease Society, and Korean Contact Lens Society. He is currently a member of the Board of Officers of the APACRS and a committee member of the APAO. Prof. Tchah has published almost 200 peer-reviewed journal articles and is Regional Editor in Chief of the Korean editions and a member of the international advisory group of EyeWorld Asia-Pacific, the news magazine of the APACRS. Prof. Tchah delivered the 2013 APACRS LIM Lecture, the highest honor accorded by the APACRS, on “Modulation of Corneal Wound Healing after Surface Ablation.” The APACRS Gold Medal is the most prestigious medal awarded to outstanding ophthalmologists in the Asia-Pacific for their significant and outstanding contributions to the development of ophthalmology, particularly in cataract and refractive surgery in the region. 2022 APACRS GOLD MEDAL South Korea Hungwon TCHAH AWARDS Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology Director, Anterior Segment & Cataract Surgery, University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center Regional Managing Editor, EyeWorld Asia-Pacific, Korea edition Board of Officer, Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (APACRS)

23 2022 APACRS CERTIFIED EDUCATORS (A.C.E) AWARDS Skills transfer becomes progressively more crucial to providing quality eye care as the fields of cataract and refractive surgery continue to advance. The APACRS Certified Educator (A.C.E.) program was launched in 2002 to motivate ophthalmic surgeons to play a more active role in disseminating the latest advances and techniques to their colleagues. This year’s awards are supported by Alcon, Johnson and Johnson Vision, and ZEISS. Dr. Con Moshegov was born, raised, and educated in Sydney. In 1994, he undertook a corneal fellowship in England and performed his first refractive laser procedure. This began his journey in the field of refractive surgery. In Sydney, Dr. Moshegov gained widespread experience in complex cataract cases and a reputation for innovation in refractive surgery. As head of the Ophthalmology Department at Concord hospital, he was a talented, gifted, and precise surgeon, with outstanding judgement enabling successful outcomes even in complex cases. He was a surgeon whose expertise was sought by his colleagues throughout Australia and Asia, a trusted consultant to many industry partners, and tirelessly contributed to the ongoing education of fellow ophthalmologists. Sadly, Dr. Moshegov succumbed to COVID-19 in February 2022. Prof. Tae-Young Chung, Professor at the Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology, is a recognized ophthalmologist in cornea, cataract, and refractive surgery. He is currently the Chief of Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery division at Samsung Medical Center. Prof. Chung was the immediate past secretary general of the Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (KSCRS). He also served as secretary general on the Korean Corneal Disease Study Group and Korea Cornea Society. He is currently the Academic Director of KSCRS and a member of the Organizing Committee of the 34th APACRS-2022 KSCRS Joint Meeting. Dr. Yeo Tun Kuan is a consultant at the National Healthcare Group Eye Institute @ Tan Tock Seng Hospital in Singapore. He is part of the cataract, implant, and anterior segment team. He completed his anterior segment fellowship training with Prof. Graham Barrett at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Lions Eye Institute, Australia. His main research interests are in complex cataract surgery, lens design, biometry, and intraocular lens formulas. He developed the EVO IOL formula and is also a member of the IOL Power Club. Con MOSHEGOV Australia (Posthumous) Tae-Young CHUNG South Korea YEO Tun Kuan Singapore

CONGRESS RECEPTION Saturday, 11 June 2022 17:30 – 18:15hrs Venue: Coex, Hall B2 All Delegates are welcome! See you at the exhibition area for the Congress Reception!

25 CONGRESS INFORMATION MEETING VENUE Coex, Seoul Grand Ballroom and Hall B2, North Gate Address: 513, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06164, Republic of Korea Website: www.coexcenter.com Contact: www.coexcenter.com/contact/ 1 Grand InterContinental Seoul Parnas 521, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06164 Tel: +82-2-555-5656 4 Glad GangnamCoex Center 610, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel: +82-2-6474-5000 2 InterContinental Seoul COEX 524, Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06164 Tel: +82-2-3452-2500 5 Peyto Samseong 9, Teheran-ro 87gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06169 Tel: +82 2-6936-8100 3 Shilla Stay Samseong 506, Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Tel: +82-2-2175-9000 SUPPORTING HOTELS

27 CONGRESS INFORMATION Registration and Badge Pickup Please remember to bring along your registration record to minimize waiting time. Registration Opening Hours Date Time 10 June 2022 (Friday) 15:00 – 18:00hrs 11 June 2022 (Saturday) 08:00 – 16:00hrs 12 June 2022 (Sunday) 07:00 – 16:00hrs Continuing Medical Education Accreditation This meeting is accredited by the Korean Ophthalmological Society for 6 CME points per day. Certificate of Attendance Certificate of Attendance will be issued to registered delegates who have attended the conference, and will be sent via email after the conference. Official Language The official language of the 34th APACRS-2022 KSCRS Joint Meeting is English. Simultaneous translation to Korean will be provided for selected sessions. Internet Free Wi-Fi will be available at Coex. SSID: Coex free wifi zone No password required Coffee Break Coffee breaks will be provided in the Exhibition Hall. Lunch Industry Lunch Symposia are available during the conference. Please refer to the program details. Congress Reception Congress reception will be held in the Exhibition Hall at 17:30hrs on Saturday, 11 June 2022. All are invited! Time Zone Korean Standard Time (KST) is 9 hours ahead of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+9). Dialing Code For international calls, the country code for South Korea is +82 followed by the area code and phone number. Power Outlet The standard voltage in South Korea is 220V AC and the standard frequency is 60 Hz. The types of sockets or outlets used are the C and F types, which have two round holes and are the same types used in Germany, France, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Spain, Pakistan, and many other countries. Insurance Delegates are advised to take out travel insurance to cover medical expenses, accidents, loss, etc. No responsibility will be accepted by the Congress Organizers. COVID-19 Safety Measures Mask Hygiene 20 sec Safe Distancing Please comply with all prevailing regulations and safe management measures mandated by the Korea authorities.

28 VENUE MAP HALL B2 EXHIBITION LOBBY Entrance North Gate Coex Intercontinental Hotel To Exhibition Hall ePoster and Video Viewing Stations Grand Ballroom 103 Grand Ballroom 105 Speaker Preview REGISTRATION Grand Ballroom 101 Coex, Level 1 APACRS-KSCRS Lounge

29 VENUE MAP Grand Ballroom 101 Saturday, 11 June 2022 (MC2) Mastering Refractive Surgery Complications (MC5) Mastering Toric IOLs (IS1) Taejoon Lunch Symposium Grand Ballroom 103 Saturday, 11 June 2022 (MC1) Mastering Biometry (MC4)Mastering IOL Fixation (IS2) ZEISS Lunch Symposium (S1) ON THE HORIZON - What’s New in IOLs? (S2) SQUID GAME - Challenging cases (S3) Film Festival Symposium & Awards Ceremony (S4) UNHAPPY AFTER SUCCESSFUL PRESBYOPIA CATARACT SURGERY … What Are We Missing? Sunday, 12 June 2022 (S5-1) ZEISS Surgical Video Symposium (S5-2)Alcon Surgical Video Symposium (S5-3) J&J Vision Surgical Video Symposium (P1) Opening Ceremony & APACRS LIM Lecture (S6) CSCRS: ZEN – A balance of quality and depth of focus (IS5) J&J Vision Lunch Symposium (S8) Cutting Edge of Corneal & Refractive Surgery (S10) COMBINED CATARACT SURGERY - The lens and All the Rest! (S11) TAEKWONDO MASTERS - Top Cataract Surgery Tips Grand Ballroom 105 Saturday, 11 June 2022 (MC3) Mastering Vitrectomy for Anterior Segment Surgeons (MC6) Mastering Corneal Endothelial Transplantation (IS3) Santen Lunch Symposium (FP1) Cataract Surgery (FP2) Intraocular Lens Implants (IOLs) Sunday, 12 June 2022 (IC1) Basic Cataract Techniques (IS4) Alcon Lunch Symposium (S7) CRASH LANDING [ON YOU] – Cataract Complications (S9) General Cataract Symposium Sunday, 12 June 2022 (FP3) Refractive/Corneal Surgery (IS6) Teleon Lunch Symposium (FP4) Biometry/Cataract Surgery (FP5) General

31 INFORMATION FOR SPEAKERS SPEAKER PREVIEW, Coex Hall B2 Speakers are requested to upload their presentation slides at the Speaker Preview Room at least 3 hours before the start of their sessions. If your presentation is scheduled in the early morning sessions, please upload your presentation slides the day before. Date Time 10 June 2022 (Friday) 15:00 – 18:30hrs 11 June 2022 (Saturday) 08:00 – 18:30hrs 12 June 2022 (Sunday) 07:00 – 16:00hrs DISCLOSURE OF CONFLICT(S) OF INTEREST All presenters should declare any conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof in all their presentations. 1. Oral Presentations: Declaration of conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof should be made at the start of the presentation on the title slide or second slide of the presentation. 2. Film Festival Videos: Declaration of conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof should be made within the first 5 seconds of the video. Failure to declare conflict(s) of interest or the lack thereof may result in the video being excluded from judging. 3. Free Paper Presentations: Declaration of conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof should be made at the start of the presentation on the title slide or second slide of the presentation. Failure to declare conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof may result in the paper being not considered for the Best Paper of Session awards. 4. ePoster Presentations: Declaration of conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof should be made at the bottom right corner of the ePoster as indicated in the ePoster template provided. Failure to declare conflict(s) of interest or lack thereof may result in the ePoster being not considered for the Best ePoster Awards. PRESENTATION FORMAT Please format your slides to 16:9 aspect ratio. Only presentations using PowerPoint are acceptable. Audio transmission is not supported. Please use the Clicker provided at the speaker’s podium to operate your own presentation. (Note: The computer on which the presentation is stored is not situated at the podium.) Presenters who wish to use Keynote for Mac OS computers will need to use their own computers. Please approach the AV staff at the control station for assistance. Important note: Please save data in accordance with the notes below and store data on a USB flash memory device. At the Speaker Preview Room, please provide the AV staff with your name and the session you will be speaking in. DATA FORMAT 1. Use Microsoft PowerPoint (2007 to 2019) and save presentation in .ppt or .pptx format to ensure compatibility with the onsite PC. 2. We are unable to guarantee the quality of Mac OS-based presentations; please check in advance for Windows compatibility or bring your Mac computer to the Speaker Preview Room for onsite assistance. The data you provide (on a USB flash memory drive) will be temporarily stored on the server in the Speaker Preview Room. The organizer will erase all data after the conference. 3. Videos: Compress videos to less than 500 MB. Only videos in MP4, MPEG, or MOV formats can be accepted. If you are unable to convert files, please approach the technical staff at the Speaker Preview Room for assistance. FREE PAPER PRESENTATIONS It is compulsory for all free paper presentations to be uploaded in the Speaker Preview Room at least 3 hours before the start of their sessions. FOR PRESENTERS USING OWN PERSONAL COMPUTER (Not applicable for free paper presentations) AV staff will check the video output of your computer using an LCD monitor. Please switch off any screensavers, antivirus programs, and power-saving modes prior to your presentation. Please remember to bring your own power cable for your computer. If you are using a Mac computer, please remember to also bring your own computer and cables, display adaptor, HDMI/D-sub output for connection to a projector. Please be advised in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances we recommend that all presenters utilize equipment provided by the event organizer. TIME KEEPING PROTOCOL Speakers should be in the meeting room at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time. The meeting program is intensive and keeping to schedule is essential. Session chairs will be strict with time keeping. Speakers should take note of the following time keeping protocol: A countdown timer located beside the podium prompter will be activated when the presentation commences. Speakers should check the timer regularly to keep track of the available time. • Yellow: 1 minute of presentation time left • Red: Presentation time is finished Microphone will be muted 10 seconds after the timer shows “0”. •

32 FACULTY OF SPEAKERS INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS Graham BARRETT Australia Mohan RAJAN India Thomas KOHNEN Germany Hiroko BISSENMIYAJIMA Japan LEE Mun Wai Malaysia Oliver FINDL Austria John CHANG Hong Kong SAR, China Hiroyuki MATSUSHIMA Japan Ishtiaque ANWAR Bangladesh Shail VASAVADA India Abhay VASAVADA India Damien GATINEL France YAO Ke China Sri GANESH India Amit PORWAL India Kimiya SHIMIZU Japan Gerd AUFFARTH Germany Hadi PRAKOSO Indonesia Gaurav LUTHRA India Tetsuro OSHIKA Japan Michael KNORZ Germany Johan HUTAURUK Indonesia Jeewan TITIYAL India Yoshihiko NINOMIYA Japan

33 Cordelia CHAN Singapore Thanapong SOMKIJRUNGROJ Thailand Mohamad ROSMAN Singapore Rudy NUIJTS Netherlands Donald TAN Singapore Sathish SRINIVASAN UK Ronald YEOH Singapore Robert ANG Philippines FAM Han Bor Singapore EdwardMANCHE USA WOO Jyh Haur Singapore ANG Chong Lye Singapore Jodhbir MEHTA Singapore Francis MAH USA YEO Tun Kuan Singapore CHAN Wing Kwong Singapore John WONG Singapore Terry KIM USA Pannet PANGPUTHIPONG Thailand CHEE Soon Phaik Singapore LEE Shu Yen Singapore Pichit NARIPTHAPHAN Thailand FACULTY OF SPEAKERS INTERNATIONAL SPEAKERS

34 Kyung Chul YOON South Korea FACULTY OF SPEAKERS KOREA SPEAKERS Beom Jin CHO South Korea Eun Chul KIM South Korea Jae Woong KOH South Korea Jong Joo LEE South Korea Jong Soo LEE South Korea Byung Yi KO South Korea Hyuk Jin CHOI South Korea Han Joo CHO South Korea Jae Yong KIM South Korea Jong Suk SONG South Korea Choun Ki JOO South Korea Hyun Seung KIM South Korea Ho Sik HWANG South Korea Ji Eun LEE South Korea Joon Young HYON South Korea Chul Young CHOI South Korea Hyun Soo LEE South Korea Hong Kyun KIM South Korea Ji Won KWON South Korea Jun Hun LEE South Korea Do Hyung LEE South Korea Hyung Joon KIM South Korea Hun LEE South Korea Jin Seok CHOI South Korea Kyoung Yul SEO South Korea Dong Hyun KIM South Korea Hyung Keun LEE South Korea Hungwon TCHAH South Korea Jong Hyuck LEE South Korea

35 FACULTY OF SPEAKERS KOREA SPEAKERS Kyung Sun NA South Korea Tae-Young CHUNG South Korea Young-Sik YOO South Korea Sang Mok LEE South Korea Mee Kum KIM South Korea Woo Chan PARK South Korea Youngsub EOM South Korea Seong Jae KIM South Korea Myoung Joon KIM South Korea Woong-JooWHANG South Korea Si Hwan CHOI South Korea Roo Min JUN South Korea YangKyung CHO South Korea So-Hyang CHUNG South Korea Sang Beom HAN South Korea Yong-Soo BYUN South Korea Sun Woong KIM South Korea Sang Bumm LEE South Korea Young Joo SHIN South Korea Tae-Im KIM South Korea

36 Life begins at 33 cm Johnson & Johnson Vision’s TECNIS SynergyTM IOL is designed to ensure a continuous range of vision with strong near*1-6 visual performance at 33 cm - the distance that meets near vision requirements of Asian patients.7-8 So they’re free to view the world with spectable independence. *Among leading PCIOLs – +Based on comparison of DFU defocus curves and a head-to-head clinical study References: 1. DOF2022CT4024 – Forte 1 Study. JJSV Data on File 2. TECNIS Synergy™ IOL with TECNIS Simplicity™ Delivery System DFU – US- DOC #Z311421E. REF2021CT4146 3. DOF2019OTH4002 – Weeber H, MTF of the TECNIS Synergy™ OptiBlue™ IOL and other lens models, 27 Mar 2019 4. DOF2019OTH4004 – JJSV Data on File 5. DOF2019OTH4005 – JJSV Data on File 6. DOF2019OTH4006 – JJSV Data on File 7. L Optom Vis Perf 2018;6(5):204–6. 8. Soler F, et al. Curr Eye Res 2021;46(8):1240–6. © Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2022 | PP2022CT4413 Please check with your local sales representative on the availability, as it may differ with countries. Visit Johnson & Johnson Vision booth at APACRS to find out more. Booth A3 Scan for more info